Friday, September 26, 2008

Indecision 2008 - Nancy changes courses

I may as well have called this post "Indecision - story of Nancy's academic career", but I really think I am improving and this course change was not entirely my fault. The school I am attending in Paris has an insane course selection process which I shall not get into. What I will note is that they do not let you change your courses once you sign up for them. Furthermore, as soon as courses start you cannot drop courses and therefore will receieve an incomplete on your transcript if you do not attend. 

While they supposedly have these strict rules for students, when it comes to themselves, the rules do not apply. Therefore, as I was checking my email last night in preperation for courses starting on Monday I noticed an email stating that one of my courses (which was full) had been cancelled and that I had to choose a new one from a list of about 15 choices. Seeing that suddenly supposedly full courses had room in them, I had to take the opportunity to full advantage. 

Ever since signing up for courses in the mad process they have, I was a bit unsatisfied with them. I technically got what i wanted, but what I wanted was super vague so that was not hard to achieve. I therefore signed up for a course to replace "le medical et le politique" (which I was kind of looking forward to), and I switched out of "le societe civile et ses medias" since I felt it was very similar to a Communications course I took in Canada. 

I am now taking in lieu of these courses:
  • Le prix Nobel de litterature et ses laureats. 
  • Sociologie des entreprise -les grands debats à l'heure de la mondalisation
They both excite me more than the other 2 courses. This is a good opportunity to try out new things and step outside my (already large) box. I think the litterature course will be challenging but rewarding, and the sociology course should be very interesting. I hope the courses meet the expectations I have, based off their descriptions. 

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