Wednesday, December 17, 2008

fuzzy doorknob

Today was a generally uplifting day. The morning starting with me meeting my friend Rocio, also from Simon Fraser University for coffee. While on the metro she informed me she'd be 20 minutes late, so I dropped by school and checked my email before going to the meeting spot. Leaving the school I had randomly happy thoughts and a big smile on my face. Immediatly someone was like, "O hello!", thinking I was smiling at seeing them. I did know the person, but nearly didn't realize it until she passed.

While waiting for my friend to arrive (who called to say they'd be even more late), I had 6 people come and ask me for directions. I was happy that I knew where 3 of the streets were that were asked of me, and for the other 3 I offered that they look in my map. All 3 took me up on that offer, which was fun, since people usually don't take me up on that offer. It was nice to feel useful as I waited, to make me feel as though I was not just wasting my time standing in the rain.

Coffee with my friend was great too, as she showed me a great little place, that in the midst of St. Germain des Pres area, you can get a latte and pastry for 3 euros! Amazing price for that area. My classes also went well in the afternoon and I ran into a number of people I know, which I always like.

Finally, coming home, as I walked up my stairs, I noticed floor number 3 had a fuzzy black door knob. This is strange for a couple reasons: firstly, I never notice floor #3 as by the time I look up, I am usually already at floor #4, and secondly, who has a fuzzy doorknob? Finding this strange, I investigated further, and realized that in fact, it was a glove covering the door knob. I think to myself, "I have black gloves like that, how strange". I think some more, check my bag, and then realize it is infact my glove that I must have dropped that morning rushing out.

Conclusion: Mystery of the fuzzy doorknob solved!

1 comment:

lespzen said...

Hey Nancy.

Love you day.

Love the fuzzy door nob.
