Sunday, May 3, 2009

from Vancouver!

A friendtrying to get into the Arc de Triumph for free because all museums and monuments are free for residents of the EU who are under 26. She shows them her Carte de Sejour (visa) to prove that she lives in Paris at the moment and that she is a student here. The women refuses to accept this, and asks for her passport. She shows the lady her Canadian passport.

Lady: I see, so which side of Canada are you from? The French side or the American side?
Friend: *look of disbelief*
*Lady interprets this look as her not understanding what she said in French, so she reiterates*
Lady: I mean, are you from Montreal or Toronto?
Friend: *Another look of astonishment* I am from Vancouver! and highly insulted. *pays the ticket and leaves*

Three things are wrong about this situation. Fristly, the anglophone speaking side of Canada being referred to as the American side. Secondly, that it is reduced to only two cities. And thirdly, the fact that the woman would have let my friend into the monument for free had she said she was from Montreal whereas with her Visa she should have been let in for free no matter which side she is from.

1 comment:

Tanisha said...

I find this story amusing :P