Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vancouver denies citizens of light

Vancouver is a city known for its rain and nasty weather. Its citizens and tourist enjoy sun and the beach for only a limited amount of time each year. Every year I look forward to the summer in Vancouver, one of the only times the city losens up and people gather to enjoy the great outdoor scene the city has to offer. I was happy to be arriving back in Vancouver in mid summer... but after I saw this (click here!) I am not so sure I want to return.

How much lamer does Vancouver want to become. Yes, the Celebration of Light has officially been cancelled for this year, and perhaps indefinatly. The event generates $37 million for Vancouver and costs a mere $4 million. Can people not do the math and see how it would be benificial? They are afraid of pollution from the event, but seriously I think it is worth it. What other events in Vancouver do we have that bring so many people together? I think that it is one of the only big events we have to be proud of on a yearly basis and am appalled they are being cancelled. Paris' New Year's fireworks were cancelled for similar reasons, and there was a noticable grumbling and a lot of dissapointment. There may be a recession going on ( or a "financial crises"), but we cannot use that as an excuse for cancelling things that will lift our spirites. I know we are not American... but they are spending billions bailing out financial institutions and their automobile industry... can we not save our FIREWORKS? Our fireworks are economically good for the city and lift moral... how can we deny that from the city? If HSBC cannot finance them anymore, I think the city of Vancouver itself should finance them. Come on Vancouver, live a little!


Anonymous said...

The city can't afford to finance them. They are already going to be running a deficit due to the olympics and especially the olypmic village.

Nancy said...

.... but when there is a will... there is a way? :P

Lisa said...

I was going to say the same thing Aaron said. Vancouver's credit rating is already on the edge.