Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Semester 2 begins

So, yesterday my second semester started and I am very optimistic about this term. So far, the three courses I have had: Religion and Society, Cultural Triangulations (African cultural diaspora), and Media and Politics, have been great. The professors appear to be eloquent speakers and organized.

The religion and society course is in French, and takes many different perspectives to look at and compare religions and how they affect society and how society has affected their manifestations in different places and times. I have to write three exposes for it, one concerning a comparision of the three abrahamic religions in terms of how they follow their Law, the second on how Christianity views Judaism (representations and realities), and finally the birth and growth of Yoga in the Occident. This course has a lot of work, but I think it should be very interesting.

The course on Cultural Triangulations will look at the African cultural diaspora in Africa, Europe and America. It will mainly look at art, music, and litterature to view how ideas and culture moved in those areas. Also, it will look at things like double consciousness. This course will be very interesting for a few reasons: it will largely be done from an anthropological perspective, it will teach me a lot about African American history, it will give me tools to look such phenomenons that happen elsewhere, such as Chinese Canadian culture in Vancouver.

The course on Media and Politics will answer one main question: who controls the media? The course is taught by a former editor of the Globe and Mail. Yes, he is a Canadian! But, also a dual citizen. It will cover a lot of concepts and theories I have taken in some of my Communications courses, but the case studies we will look at should be really interesting.

Today, I have the day off and a friend from Vancouver is staying with me for a couple days. She has had issues with Air Canada as they have lost her baggage. Good ol Canadian airlines. We are now off to be tourists. A bientot.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Have fun! Take her to the Rodin Museum for some statue-posing. :)